Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dear Husband

Dear Hubby,

Lately you have been frustrated with my laziness. I'm sorry. Here's the thing though. Those two hours when the boys are in school are my only time when absolutely no one wants anything from me. (except for you who obviously want me to be slaving in the house at that time.) So it is hard for me to give up my peace and quiet/computer time and do mundane chores like laundry and mopping.

Good news though. In two months, the baby will be born and both boys will be out of school so I will have no peace, no quiet and no free time and so no reason not to do the chores. Hold on until then, okay?

Love you,
Your wife not your slave


Mama-Face said...

Oh, this brings back memories of not so long ago...of feeling like everyone was picking at me and never giving me a moment's peace. That is why I took so many hot baths at night; never really thought about that until now. It does end...half my kids aren't around very much so there is much less neediness. You're gonna hate me for saying this...but I kinda miss it.

Be easy on yourself...don't run faster than you are able. :)

Palomita said...

perhaps you should turn to a brilliant and amazing sister to take those boys off your hands for a day. just saying....
p.s. cant do anything bout the husband. thats what you get for getting married.

bro's wife said...

I applaud this note to Mr. Hubby and all hubbies! All wives can't be expected to do chores when they are home alone and childless,especially when you have to try and get computer and reading time in! I do have to say I am VERY lucky that my hubby does do most of the cooking and cleaning so he really doesn't complain about it a lot..but I am free to take the boys off your hands over the summer and the baby too!

shortmama said...

Yep tell him to do it himself!!! A mama needs some down time!

ScoMan said...

When I was growing up dad always cooked so that could be his one thing.

Mum looked after us all day, mopped, ironed, vaccuumed, did the dishes etc etc etc but dad would cook so that he could always say "But I bloody cooked tea!" if she asked him for help.

Macey said...

He's lucky a bunch of mommy bloggers don't hunt him down.

Keely said...

This is why I hire cleaners. I could be living in a box and I'd hire cleaners to clean it.