Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The boys are officially on vacation as of today, which mean I am totally at their beck and call for the next two weeks. Wish me luck. Anywho...if my posts are few and far between, don't worry I'll be back. After the crazy last minute Christmas shopping because Santa has totally been a lazy bum and gotten next to nothing for the boys yet. I did buy one item which I found on sale early but was totally found out by the six year old who was snooping in my room so it has become a gift from Mom and Dad and now Santa has to start all over. Also I have quite a few holiday parties to attend cause I'm a popular girl like that.


Ed said...

Love the Santa poster.

Tracie said...

Great poster.

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!

Claudya Martinez said...

Merry Christmas, Popular!